
Why Do So Many Muslims Develop Romantic Feelings for Their Milk-Relatives?

The issue prevalent in many Muslim communities today is a significant lack of awareness and proper handling of milk-kinship ( rada'a ), particularly concerning the recognition and treatment of milk-mahrams. Often, individuals are not introduced to their milk-relatives or informed about their milk-kinship until the sensitive and often emotionally charged context of marriage arises. This late discovery can create significant confusion, emotional distress, and complex legal questions. In many cases, individuals remain completely unaware that a particular person is their milk-mahram until their mothers, or other older family members, recall a shared breastfeeding instance from their infancy. This lack of early knowledge and integration of milk-kinship into family dynamics is a core problem. Because people are not accustomed to treating milk-siblings as true siblings from the outset, developing the appropriate familial bonds of platonic love, respect, and care, it sadly happens that ind...

Familial bond through breastfeeding in Islam

In Islamic, breastfeeding creates a bond considered as strong as a blood relationship. This "milk-kinship" establishes a familial tie comparable in closeness to biological family. when a child is nursed by a woman who is not their biological mother, a deep and enduring familial connection is established. This act of shared nourishment creates a profound link not only between the child and the nursing woman (who becomes the child's milk-mother), but also extends to her immediate family. This includes her husband (the child's milk-father), her biological children (who become the child's milk-siblings), and certain other designated relatives, all of whom then fall within the category of the child's milk-mahram. These milk-mahrams become an integral part of the child’s life, akin to their own blood relatives, and are treated with the same level of respect and intimacy that is afforded to one’s immediate family.  These milk-mahrams, by virtue of the established mi...

Creating Mahram relationship with women through Mutah

  السؤال:امرأة متزوجة ولديها طباخ وسواق في المنزل وتريد ان يكون دخولهم في المنزل حلال عليها ولديها بنت عمرها خمس سنوات هل يجوز العقد على احد منهم او الاثنين سواء زواج مؤقت او دائم وهل زواج الطفلة بدون ان تفهم هي ذلك الزواج جائز؟   الجواب:بسمه سبحانه: يجوز العقد اذا كان فيه مصلحة للطفلة كما هي مصلحة لك وبأذن والدها او جدها (ابي ابيها) فليكن العقد عليها لاحدهما اولاً وبعد انتهاء المدة , ولو بهبة من الزوج يجوز العقد عليها للثاني مع ملاحظة الشرائط وتترتب على ذلك محرمية ام البنت لهذين الشخصين وتصبح لهما كالأم , والله العالم .  1 Question: A married woman has a cook and a driver in the house, and she wants their entrance into the house to be halal for her, and she has a five-year-old daughter. Is it permissible to contract temporary or permanent marriage of her daughter with one or both of them,  Additionally, is the marriage of a female child, without her understanding the concept of marriage, permissible?\?  Ayatullah Shaikh Basheer Hussain Al-Najafy's Response...

More relaxed clothing options for Muslim women at home

The Islamic dress code, often perceived as restrictive, offers a surprising degree of flexibility within the intimate confines of the home environment, particularly when interacting with Mahrams—close family members such as fathers and brothers. In the presence of these trusted individuals, certain restrictions on attire can be relaxed without compromising the fundamental principles of Islamic modesty. Notably, a Muslim woman's awrah, or the body parts that must be covered, is significantly reduced in front of Mahrams, extending only from the navel to the knees. This relaxation of dress code allows for a greater sense of comfort and freedom within the familial setting, Here are some outfit ideas for comfort of Muslim women at home: Summer dresses Mini Dress: This is a classic short dress that typically reaches mid-thigh or higher. They come in a wide variety of styles, from casual to dressy.  Mini dress Mini dress                   ...

The Hidden adornments of Muslim women

The idea of hidden adornment is rooted in a Quranic verse (Surah An-Nur, verse 31). This verse advises believing women to disclose their concealed beauty only to specific individuals, including their husbands, mahrams, male slaves, Muslim women, elderly servants, and young boys who haven't reached puberty. Regarding hidden adornment, the Seekersguidance website states: "Hidden adornment would include, for example, hair and breasts, and jewelry, particularly the kind that jingles and attracts attention." It's crucial to understand that this permission to reveal hidden adornment to specific individuals, such as mahrams, women, male slaves and elderly servants, is not a license to flaunt one's body.  Given the intimate nature of familial relationships and the shared living space within a household, the requirement for women to constantly cover their hair with a scarf in the presence of mahrams is considered superfluous and impractical. The close proximity and frequen...

Ruling on kissing and hugging of women by Mahrams through breastfeeding

Milk-Mahrams In Islamic law, the concept of milk kinship creates a special bond between a child and the family of the woman who breastfeeds them. If a girl is breastfed by a woman before the age of two, certain men in that woman's family become her milk-mahrams. These include the woman's husband, who becomes the girl's milk-father. Her sons then become the girl's milk-brothers. The extended family is also affected. The brothers of both the milk-father and milk-mother, regardless of whether they are biological brothers or related through milk-kinship themselves, become the girl's milk-uncles. This concept even extends to the milk-mother's father, who becomes the girl's milk-grandfather, again, whether he is her biological grandfather or related through another breastfeeding relationship. In terms of dress code and physical contact, milk-mahrams are accorded the same allowances as blood-relatives. Just like with close biological family members, a woman is not ...

Utilizing Temporary Marriage to Establish Mahram Bond with Friend's Wife

 سوال : آيا جايز است براى محرم شدن با همسر يكى از دوستانم، دختر غير بالغه يا شيرخواره ی او را به عقد موقت خود در بياورم؟  جواب : بله، با اذن پدر يا وكيل او جايز است. 1 Question: Is it permissible for me to temporarily marry a prepubescent girl or an infant in order to become a Mahram of my friend's wife?  Ayatullah Syed Mahmud Hashmi responded: Yes, it is permissible with the permission of her father or her wakeel. This practice allows man to be hosted without placing his friend's wife in the position of having to constantly observe strict hijab.  The wife is no longer burdened by the constant need to maintain strict hijab in the presence of her husband's friend. This allows for more relaxed and natural social interactions, reducing the potential for awkwardness or discomfort.  The wife can comfortably cook and prepare meals in the kitchen for the guest, bring them to the table, and participate in conversations with her now son-in-law (through the temporary ma...