
Showing posts from December, 2024

Why Do So Many Muslims Develop Romantic Feelings for Their Milk-Relatives?

The issue prevalent in many Muslim communities today is a significant lack of awareness and proper handling of milk-kinship ( rada'a ), particularly concerning the recognition and treatment of milk-mahrams. Often, individuals are not introduced to their milk-relatives or informed about their milk-kinship until the sensitive and often emotionally charged context of marriage arises. This late discovery can create significant confusion, emotional distress, and complex legal questions. In many cases, individuals remain completely unaware that a particular person is their milk-mahram until their mothers, or other older family members, recall a shared breastfeeding instance from their infancy. This lack of early knowledge and integration of milk-kinship into family dynamics is a core problem. Because people are not accustomed to treating milk-siblings as true siblings from the outset, developing the appropriate familial bonds of platonic love, respect, and care, it sadly happens that ind...

Familial bond through breastfeeding in Islam

In Islamic, breastfeeding creates a bond considered as strong as a blood relationship. This "milk-kinship" establishes a familial tie comparable in closeness to biological family. when a child is nursed by a woman who is not their biological mother, a deep and enduring familial connection is established. This act of shared nourishment creates a profound link not only between the child and the nursing woman (who becomes the child's milk-mother), but also extends to her immediate family. This includes her husband (the child's milk-father), her biological children (who become the child's milk-siblings), and certain other designated relatives, all of whom then fall within the category of the child's milk-mahram. These milk-mahrams become an integral part of the child’s life, akin to their own blood relatives, and are treated with the same level of respect and intimacy that is afforded to one’s immediate family.  These milk-mahrams, by virtue of the established mi...

Creating Mahram relationship with women through Mutah

  السؤال:امرأة متزوجة ولديها طباخ وسواق في المنزل وتريد ان يكون دخولهم في المنزل حلال عليها ولديها بنت عمرها خمس سنوات هل يجوز العقد على احد منهم او الاثنين سواء زواج مؤقت او دائم وهل زواج الطفلة بدون ان تفهم هي ذلك الزواج جائز؟   الجواب:بسمه سبحانه: يجوز العقد اذا كان فيه مصلحة للطفلة كما هي مصلحة لك وبأذن والدها او جدها (ابي ابيها) فليكن العقد عليها لاحدهما اولاً وبعد انتهاء المدة , ولو بهبة من الزوج يجوز العقد عليها للثاني مع ملاحظة الشرائط وتترتب على ذلك محرمية ام البنت لهذين الشخصين وتصبح لهما كالأم , والله العالم .  1 Question: A married woman has a cook and a driver in the house, and she wants their entrance into the house to be halal for her, and she has a five-year-old daughter. Is it permissible to contract temporary or permanent marriage of her daughter with one or both of them,  Additionally, is the marriage of a female child, without her understanding the concept of marriage, permissible?\?  Ayatullah Shaikh Basheer Hussain Al-Najafy's Response...