The Hidden adornments of Muslim women
The idea of hidden adornment is rooted in a Quranic verse (Surah An-Nur, verse 31). This verse advises believing women to disclose their concealed beauty only to specific individuals, including their husbands, mahrams, male slaves, Muslim women, elderly servants, and young boys who haven't reached puberty. Regarding hidden adornment, the Seekersguidance website states: "Hidden adornment would include, for example, hair and breasts, and jewelry, particularly the kind that jingles and attracts attention." It's crucial to understand that this permission to reveal hidden adornment to specific individuals, such as mahrams, women, male slaves and elderly servants, is not a license to flaunt one's body. Given the intimate nature of familial relationships and the shared living space within a household, the requirement for women to constantly cover their hair with a scarf in the presence of mahrams is considered superfluous and impractical. The close proximity and frequen...